Selling items at least at the beginning feel so hit and miss as you try and gauge what to sell at.Doesn’t explain everything very well in some cases just being a simple picture.Loot- Used to do crafting but you also need the loot in order to sell it in your shop, Make money and bring the town back up.
Four different worlds with a secret fifth one to unlock. There are four stages in a dungeon with the last stage being the boss fight. Despite being basic and kind of barebones, The combat is both fluid and solid. Dungeons randomize every time so it is always fresh. Big boss fights, Winning it will unlock a new realm/world. Roguelike gameplay when in the dungeons. Pendant-Take a coin hit but allows you to leave the dungeon instantly. Mirror- Allows you to sell items on the fly in the dungeon. Enchant gear to change stats and add buffs and elemental damage etc. Blacksmith- Craft new weapons, Sword and shield, Big sword, Spears, Gloves and Bow, and arrow. You get a breakdown of your days sales which help determine high and low sellers. Once you sell an item for a price, It will be saved for future sales. Attacks- Weapon, block and dodge roll which can also be used to jump over small gaps. Earn cash by selling goods or finding it, Use this money to upgrade your shop or invest in new shops in town to kickstart the local economy. Dungeons- Has a mini-map and used a view like a top-down, Most commonly seen in games like Binding of Isaac or Zelda LTTP. The game is split into days, Typically you get to tend shop till closing time then go dungeon crawling, Coming home will end the day. You have to bear in mind, Stock levels, What is in demand or what is swamping the market. Price- You set the post and place the goods. Customers- They will come in and examine your goods, expressing an emoticon as to show if you have priced your goods too high, too low or maybe just right?. Gameplay- Sell goods by the day, Dungeon crawl by night. Can change difficulty unless in a dungeon. Three difficulties- Normal, Hard and very hard. Options- Screen shake, Difficulty, Text speed, and GUI. Moonlighter is an Action RPG with rogue-lite elements that demonstrates two sides of the coin – revealing everyday routines of Will, an adventurous shopkeeper that secretly dreams of becoming a hero.